Jesus Still Teaches By The Water!

Service Time

Sunday Worship – 9:00 am
Holy Communion Every Sunday

Fellowship Hour – 10:15 am


3697 Pioneer Church Rd.
Conover,  WI  54519
  Click for Directions

TEL: 715-479-4966

Who We Are

Pioneer Lake Lutheran Church is an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) congregation located along the shore of Pioneer Lake in the beautiful Northwoods of Wisconsin.

As a congregation, we are a family of warm, faithful and welcoming people who enjoy sharing the love of Jesus Christ with each other and new friends.  As a Christ-centered church, we worship one Lord and Savior, confess our faith and proclaim the Good News through song, prayer and scripture.   We encourage community outreach providing care, concern and service to others in our community and around the world.

We offer traditional Lutheran services on Sunday mornings. The best way to learn more about Pioneer Lake Lutheran Church (PLLC) is simply to visit us. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday morning, COME WORSHIP BY THE LAKE.


I'm New Here

We know that people sometimes feel a little nervous when they attend a new church. We want to make you as comfortable as we can before your visit.

Ministry of Prayer

Whatever your prayer need, group prayer can help find peace of mind providing a foundation of strength to face any situation.

Get Involved

We have a lot of opportunities for you to become involved here at Pioneer Lake Lutheran Church beyond worship! Whether it’s coming to a special event, assisting with worship or volunteering for a committee.  Engaging in fellowship opportunities will not only give you the chance to meet others here at Pioneer but also provide another way to grow in your relationship with Christ.


Volunteers are the backbone of the church. Make a difference by using the gifts & talents God has given you to serve our church family.


Small Groups

Small groups are a great way to develop lasting friendships with other people who enjoy the same interests you do.



PLLC provides opportunities to become involved in sharing the message of Christ by providing assistance to those in our local community and around the world.


Upcoming Events

Sunday, February 23 @ 9:00 am

Sunday Worship, Communion & Fellowship afterwards

Wednesday, February 26 @ 9:00 am

Quilters Group

Sunday, March 2 @ 9:00 am

Sunday Worship, Communion & Fellowship afterwards

Sunday, March 9 @ 9:00 am

Sunday Worship, Communion & Fellowship afterwards