We Are Part Of Something Big!

What We Believe

As Lutherans, we believe that God loves us, and that through the life, death, and resurrection of his Son, Jesus Christ we are assured salvation and eternal life.   As people of faith, we celebrate, learn and connect with one another and others around the world through worship, discipleship and service. We are a church that is always being made new, and at the same time, is deeply rooted in Scripture, Lutheran theology and Lutheran confessions.  


Through Our Faith

  • We believe in the Trinity; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and through his crucifixion, death, and resurrection we have salvation from sin and death
  • We confess the Apostle’s, Nicene and Athanasian Creeds as true declarations of the faith of this church.
  • We trust the Old and New Testaments as God’s Word and the power of God for the salvation of all who believe.
  • Baptism as a sacrament, by which God makes us members of God’s family, the Church
  • Holy Communion as a sacrament, rough which our sins are forgiven, our faith is nurtured and we are empowered to serve God in the world

The Possibility of Our Salvation

  • We are saved by the grace of God alone — God’s free and undeserved gift
  • Salvation through faith alone — we only need to trust God who promises us forgiveness, life and eternal salvation
  • In the Word of God alone – the Bible as the true standard for faith and life

What this means is that we live as a people with identity (as the children of God), value (redeemed at the cost of Jesus’ life), and purpose (living to make God’s presence known in all we do).

We are drawn to experience God in worship, engage one another in fellowship, grow in faith through lifelong learning, and serve those in need. Or as Martin Luther so simply put it, we believe that we are “to see Christ in our neighbor, and be Christ to our neighbor.”

To learn more about what we believe and what it means, visit the “ELCA Teachings” section of Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s website.