Community Opportunities


Reaching out in Christ’s name. Pioneer is committed to reaching out to our community and to the world through ongoing missions and service. Throughout the year, there are a variety of opportunities to serve either as an individual or as a family.  Here are just a few of the ways Pioneer Lake Lutherans share Christ’s love in our community.

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Outreach Events


Worship In The Wild

Worship In The Wild is an emerging group that is exploring our spiritual connections through the inspiration and care of creation. We meet to get outside and share an experience in nature taking time for spiritual reflection, to enjoy the company of others and discover more about ourselves.

April 27, 2024 : Raven Trail Hike

Caritas of Eagle River

The Vacationland Ministerial Association supported ministry will offer financial assistance with utility bills, gasoline, food and clothing vouchers, and help navigate the available services to those in need in Vilas County. CARITAS is in need of more volunteers for this work. CARITAS is located at St. Francis Episcopal Church, 120 North Silver Lake Rd, Eagle River, and is open on Wednesday every week, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. For more information contact 715-480-5683.

Weekend Backpack Program

Food is being collected for children who may not have enough food on the weekends. Pioneer Lake Lutheran Church is partnering with Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Eagle River in collecting food items for the Weekend Backpack Program.  Please help by donating any of the following items:

  • Juice boxes, Gatorade and other drinks not requiring refrigeration
  • Non-perishable milk
  • Canned meals – i.e. spaghetti o’s
  • Oatmeal
  • Individual fruit cups
  • Individual cereal boxes
  • Granola bars
  • Peanut butter crackers
  • Small jars of peanut butter
  • Microwave Mac-n-cheese
  • Microwave soups
  • Graham crackers
  • Ramen Noodles

Items may be placed in container located in narthex, dropped off at Prince of Peace or pickup may be arranged for larger quantities.

Feed Our Rural Kids (FORK)

The mission of Feed Our Rural Kids (FORK) is to provide nutritional support to children from food insecure homes within the Northland Pines, Three Lakes, and Phelps School Districts.

Totally Pawsome

Mission:  To provide the necessary resources to keep responsible pet owners and their pets together when they are facing hardships and, to preventing Potential surrenders. We are designed to provide supplemental pet food on a temporary basis which allows us to help more people during difficult times. "Helping Pets & the People that Love them."
Drop off locations for food:

  • The Fisherman's Outpost--Conover
  • ACE Hardware---Eagle River
  • Legacy Floors----Eagle River

Phone: 715-539-6815


Headwaters Food Pantry

Help feed our local community consider non-perishable food donations of cereals, pasta, box dinners, baked beans, ketchup, soups, canned fruit and vegetables, paper products (toilet paper, paper towel, Kleenex tissues), laundry and dish soap. Please place donations in the bin in the narthex.

Frederick Place

Announced a fund-raising program called “Closets to Cash Campaign”.  They have partnered with a textile recycling organization and is collecting old, torn, stained and unwanted clothing items.  Fredric Place receives payment per pound of textiles collected and recycled.  You are invited to bring the following items to church-in plastic bags or bring them your self to Fredrick Place.

  • clothing of all types
  • shoes of any kind
  • belts and purses
  • table cloths and napkins
  • robes
  • dish cloths and towels
  • sheets and blankets
  • stuffed animals

Frederick Place is a 16-bed emergency, temporary shelter for families, women and men who are experiencing homelessness. It is operated by The Northwoods Alliance for Temporary Housing Inc. (NATH), which is a not-for-profit corporation. We are located at 204 W. Frederick Street, Rhinelander Wisconsin.

Frederick Place is committed to ending and preventing homelessness. Along with NATH, we exist to provide safe housing and basic needs to families and individuals who are homeless, within an atmosphere of encouragement, respect, dignity, and hope, while nurturing and promoting self-sufficiency and independence.

World Hunger

World Hunger is a comprehensive and sustainable program that uses multiple strategies—relief, development, education, and advocacy—to address the root causes of hunger and poverty. Donations to ELCA World Hunger support relief and development projects in over 50 countries worldwide, including hundreds of anti-hunger ministries in the United States.

Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp

Mission:  Seeking to connect faith and life, we provide a welcoming space for all people to experience God, community, and nature.
Welcome Statement:  Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp commits to live into the truth that all people are made in the Image of God, and we recognize that without the affirmed presence of all people, especially the historically marginalized, we are not fully represented as the Body of Christ.  We deem it necessary and imperative to recenter and reaffirm the beloved humanity inherent in all people and to further this emphasis in our outdoor ministry setting.
Programs: Traditional summer programming for youth is a priority, however our inter-generational summer camp programs continue to gain popularity, A bi-monthly Senior Day is a popular program for adults to share in fellowship, eat lunch, and hear a presentation from a guest speaker (Nov - May).
Location: Fortune Lake Lutheran Camp, 138 Fortune Lake Camp Rd., Crystal Falls, MI 49920
Phone: 906-214-2267