Growing a wider relationship with Jesus Christ
Everything that happens at Pioneer Lake Lutheran Church is powered by dedicated volunteers. We’d love for you to join our team and use your unique gifts to help others connect with God. You are welcome to volunteer in any capacity in which you feel comfortable. There are options for all different interests and skill levels. Below, you will find a listing of some of the committees at PLLC along with a small description of their function. Keep an open mind; the function of these committees is only limited by a lack of imagination. Ask yourself, how else can PLLC serve our God and our community. Be creative, volunteer and make a difference. It will enrich your life.
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Worship & Music Ministry
The Worship and Music Committee assists the Church Council in seeing that the worship services are conducted regularly and in accordance with the liturgy of the ELCA. Members of this vital church committee oversee the recruiting and coordination of the following groups:
- Greeters/Ushers
- Lesson Readers
- Communion Servers
- Acolytes
The Altar Guild is responsible for all preparations necessary for worship along with the protection and care of the altar and sanctuary. They perform the following functions:
- Change and care for paraments, vestments and altar linen as necessary
- Communion services – preparation and restoration of altar and sanctuary setting
- Holidays – arrange altar flower display and distribution of flowers to those who have purchased them
- Ensure that hymnals and other devotional materials are provided and properly cared for
Most of the accompaniment during our worship service is from the piano or organ. However, on occasion a guitar, flute, violin or other instruments have been incorporated. Long-term and short-term commitments are welcome. The only requirement is your willingness to have some fun and share your gift of music.
Stewardship Ministry
Honor the LORD with thy wealth & with the firstfruits of all thine substance; So thy barns will be filled with plenty… -Proverbs 3:9-10
Mission: Creatively educating and motivating the congregation in the spiritual practices of giving time, talent and treasure.
The stewardship committee invites each of us to contemplate the many talents and gifts that God has bestowed upon us. We then encourage everyone to explore ways to share their blessings in service to do God’s work here at PLLC, in our community and throughout the world.
Each fall the committee organizes an annual Stewardship Campaign and Pledge Drive to identify the time and talents of our congregation and to inspire greater involvement within the church community. The information gathered from the campaign is then shared with the appropriate committees.
We are the goodwill ambassadors of the church.
Mission: The Evangelism Committee seeks to welcome people into the church and enrich the spiritual life and sense of community within the congregation.
Our evangelism program helps members of our congregation to share their faith, mentor others, and create an inviting environment to all who enter the church or come in contact with members of the congregation. Practically speaking, our duties include but are not limited to:
- Takes special notice of visitors for further contact
- Welcomes new members into our church family
Staying connected with inactive members and those in nursing or assisted living facilities through:
- Personal calls
- One-on-one visitations
- Mailings
- Advertisements in local papers
- Mailings
- Email list management
- Church website
- Social media
Fellowship is an important activity in all ELCA churches. Members of this committee plan church events which help members strengthen their relationship with one another through gatherings at such as our weekly coffee hours after worship, annual church picnic, Advent and Lenten Soup Suppers and Thanksgiving Pie Social.
The committee needs assistance in setting up, taking down and otherwise preparing for these special events. This includes washing dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. As with any big job, many hands make light, quick work.
We always welcome volunteers to host our Sunday Fellowship. Light snacks and fruit are always welcome. To sign up to prepare coffee or to donate snacks, check the bulletin board or contact any Fellowship Committee Member with your availability or questions.
Ladies of Pioneer Lake Lutheran Church who serve luncheon at funerals divided into three groups with assigned group callers.
Our building is important to our vision; it is a community resource & the epicenter of our mission to meet the needs of our neighborhood. It’s where we are building momentum for the work of God.
The Property Committee sees to the proper maintenance and protection of all church property and shall ensure that it is kept in good repair and adequately insured.
Usual Activities:
- Enlist work crews for special repair, improvement, cleaning, painting and other projects
- Perform landscaping or grounds maintenance
- Offering counsel on major repairs and changes related to the facility
- Completing minor repairs around the church
- Check property periodically for code standards (ie. Township Fire Code)
We need you! Please contact Joanie Green to offer your skills, assist with the next work party, or to discuss taking on a project of your own.
Social Ministry
It is very satisfying to work with this ministry because it directly benefits so many.
Mission: Extend Christian compassion and aid to persons having special needs and shall help all members of the congregation to do likewise.
Social Ministry is responsible for raising the social consciousness of our congregation to make us aware of the physical, social, economic, political and spiritual human condition. Our goal is to be of assistance to those in need who are less fortunate and to give hope and peace to those who are weary. This committee sponsors various events to raise money for charitable causes. Whether you have lots of time or only an hour to contribute, there is useful work for you to do with this ministry. We are always looking for fresh ideas and welcome anyone who would like to join the committee.
Youth Leadership
With upright heart he shepherded them and guided them with his skillful hand. – Psalm 78:72
This committee plans and carries out programs and activities for the youth of the church and community. Our goal is to help our youth understand their significant role as members of our community and congregation, and assist them in strengthening their Christian faith.
Memorial Gifts
Making a memorial gift to PLLC is a wonderful way to honor a loved one and provides a lasting tribute to the important part that he or she played in a family or friend’s life, as well as, the life of the church.
Memorial gifts serve as an expression of thanksgiving to God. The gifts may include gifts in kind, religious articles, property needs, office equipment or other goods and services. If you are considering a memorial gift, please contact our Memorials Chairperson or the church office. We would be happy to meet with you to plan a gift that will serve as a lasting memorial to your loved one.
The mission of the Memorials Committee is to ensure that gifts received by the church in memorium are used in an appropriate way for the work of the church. The committee shall:
- Gratefully acknowledge all gifts
- Notify family members of gifts given “in honor or memory of”
- See that all gifts and funds are properly invested, tracked and used according to the donor’s intent
- Maintain a record of gifts, those memorialized, and projects funded by such gifts